Year 1-Autumn 1, Week 5
The children have been practising how to use scissors correctly. The paper under the arm should not move and the 'thumb faces the sun'....
St. Marie's Catholic Primary School
Year 1-Autumn 1, Week 5
Year 6 - Week 4 and 5 - Autumn One
Reception Phonics Newsletter
Reception Photos for Week 5
Year Four Autumn Term Week 5
Year 2 - Week 5
Y5 Football Tournament
Year 1-Autumn 1, Week 4
Reception Week 4
Year 2 - Week 4
Pre-School- Autumn term- Week 4
Y5 Science: Separating Mixtures - sieving
Year 1 Meet the Teacher
Reception class Week 3 photos
Y1-Autumn, Week 3
Year 5 - To Know You More Clearly - Thinking about scripture