St. Marie's Catholic Primary School
Welcome to Reception Class
Welcome to Receptions class page. Mrs Bunting is the class teacher and is supported by Mrs R O'Neill a HLTA and Mrs Perrins a teaching assistant. We are looking forward to watching the children grow, develop and flourish during their time in reception and for the following years at St Marie's.
Each half term I will add a 'Parent topic sheet'. This will let you know what your child will be learning about during the half term. I will also add phonics and maths newsletters with helpful tips on how to support your child's learning in a fun way.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. I will always try to get back to you within 48 hours via email
Reception have their own 'X' (formerly know as twitter) @stmariesrecept1 and Instagram page stmariesrec. I will also add photos to this page on a weekly basis.
We are looking forward to the year head !
Mrs Bunting, Mrs O'Neill and Mrs Perrins